Also download OBS if you haven’t already. Once you download this free software, it essentially produces a RTMP URL that you can enter into your encoding software, in this case, OBS. So can you go live on your computer? Yes! But first you will need to download two apps. You can also title the Live stream so your audience knows what they’re getting into before they tune in.

You can use this for interviews or conversations for your followers to watch. One of Instagram’s newer features allows other users or “friends” to join in on the live stream with you. By going to the “plus” sign at the bottom of your screen, just like normal uploading practices, you’ll find the option to go “Live.” Going live on Instagram is a simple, straight-forward process. The larger view also helps the perceived quality of the video. Many content creators prefer the 4:5 Portrait aspect ratio (864 pixel width by 1080 pixel height) because it takes up the most onscreen real estate on the Instagram feed. 4:5 Portrait aspect ratio – a slightly taller format than the standard square.1.91:1 Landscape aspect ratio – similar to 16:9 widescreen format.1:1 Square aspect ratio – standard square format on the Instagram feed.You can also upload in a variety of different aspect ratios, such as: (Some Instagram users swear by uploading 4K videos to get better quality with compression, so you may want to test that out with your own videos to compare the results.) It’s really up to you if you want to upload a video pre-sized at 1080 pixels wide, or upload one that is larger, like 1920 pixels or even 4K. However, the platform downscales all videos to a width of 1080 pixels. Instagram also doesn’t have an official resolution limit for videos. Uploading at that bitrate should help reduce visible compression from Instagram. My bitrate recommendations for uploading videos to Instagram would be Constant Bitrate Encoding (CBR) at 10Mbps. Note that Instagram will likely reduce the video bitrate to around 3.5Mbps once you post the video. The video bitrate is up to you, again as long as the entire video comes in around 50MB to 150MB. (H.264 Codec & AAC audio) The maximum frame rate supported is thirty frames per second. Instagram doesn’t have an official file size limit, but we recommend you keep video file sizes between 50MB to 150MB. The Instagram videos you post to your feed can be anywhere between three seconds and sixty seconds in length. So, let’s talk about what is offered, and how you can use it yourself with what you have available to you. It’s not hard to understand why either, there are several different ways to share and create content all through this one app. It’s no secret that Instagram is one of if not the most wildly used social media platform in the world. Whether it’s IGTV, Reels, Live, or right to your feed, here’s how you can upload your professionally-edited videos to Instagram.